- 3 - Bold, Underline and More Colours
- Bold
To use bold when typing text into the channel, use CTRL+B to start the bold, and CTRL+B again to end it. A little character "" will appear to mark where you have used CTRL+B.- Underline
Works the same as Bold, just use CTRL+U instead of CTRL+B- Colours
To get colours into your text, use CTRL+K. Again you'll see the pop up, along with a little box that looks like this:
now you can either click on the colour you want, or type in it's number. For example if you wanted red text, you'd type CTRL+K, then 4, resulting in 4. You can also type in a comma then a second number for a background colour: 4,14 would be red text on a dark gray backround. You can put in as many different colours into a line as you want, just remember that one colour doesn't stop until you instruct it to use a new one, even if that is just the default black on white.
- Bold