I use Ubuntu myself on my laptop which works very nicely. Also running it as a gateway machine at my girlfriends. For my own servers I still stick to Debian though
Open source doesn't mean no money. There are a bundle of open source products out there that you just have to pay for. Also providing support is something that can generate some cashflow . The money really isn't at the small home user but big cooperations who run linux on their whole desktop and serverpark do need implementation / support / training etc which companies make a bundle of. As you might know 80% of the total cost of ownership with hardware and software is generated in the "running phase". So if you can persuade someone to buy your product for almost free (for linux desktops) but you get paid for the support I think thats still a pretty sweet deal.
Open source doesn't mean no money. There are a bundle of open source products out there that you just have to pay for. Also providing support is something that can generate some cashflow . The money really isn't at the small home user but big cooperations who run linux on their whole desktop and serverpark do need implementation / support / training etc which companies make a bundle of. As you might know 80% of the total cost of ownership with hardware and software is generated in the "running phase". So if you can persuade someone to buy your product for almost free (for linux desktops) but you get paid for the support I think thats still a pretty sweet deal.