Taken from the Starfury Boards:-
STARFURY: SENIOR PARTNERS will be taking place on 28-30 November 2003 at the Thistle Hotel, Heathrow.
Sadly, two of the guests, Sam Anderson and Daniel Dae Kim have had to cancel due to conflicting acting jobs. Sam Anderson was always a tentative guest; his appearance hinged on the shooting schedule of his new sit-com, MARIIED TO THE KELLYS. Daniel Dae Kim will be working on not one but two shows. He currently has a recurring role on E.R., and is also guest starring in the show MISMATCH (portraying, oddly enough, a lawyer).
Gigi Edgley, who had previously cancelled due to work commitments, will now be attending SENIOR PARTNERS. Also attending will be Thomas Burr, making his first convention appearance. Thomas portrayed the evil Wolfram & Hart lawyer, Lee Mercer, in 4 episodes of the 1st season of ANGEL.
Sean Harry