Your secret is safe with me tho i bet someone lets it slip and tells her

Stop calling him that! *spank* Christ, it's another catchphrase
by Milky
DiM - Am I okay to crash at yours bud?
by Yvonne
I'm telling Manda that you're her ickle puppy dog *pant* and NOT giving her your number (cos she's a friend and she doesn't deserve that sort of punishment)
He already told me that night
by Yvonne
If you want a giggle though, ask Jimi about the "Leave Manda alone, I'm sorting that one out" comment he made to Milky in the toilets....
Lies. Damn your eyes for these malicious lies.
by Yvonne
If you want a giggle though, ask Jimi about the "Leave Manda alone, I'm sorting that one out" comment he made to Milky in the toilets....
Anyway.... thats a convo for a different thread
Turn the lights off at the Admiral and everyone will think it's finally shut down. But I like your style. Maybe we could all hide under the pool tables and jump out and shout surprise instead?
by PictureOfFlowers
Are we gonna do that thing where we turn the lights off and all shout "Surprise!" when Katie turns up?