Certainly a tricky one. you need to take a few things into consideration before you do anything. i.e.
How long have you been working there? It will affect how good you look on your cv for looking for other stuff.
Did they train you? If so that will have cost them a bit. They'll not wantto lose you that easily. this could affect whether you decide to tackle them on it.
How does your salary compare with others in the company doing your job/ at a similar level? If its on a par then i doubt you'll have a chance of getting a further raise.
How much do you spend getting to work? Could you move somewhere closer to where you live and save money that way?
What are the company like when people say they are leaving? ar ethey positive and helpful ar is there backbiting and privilage withdrawls going on. it may be better to keep quiet
If it turns out that it may be worth trying to negotiate a payrise then take it up with your line manager (or whatever glorified title they give your direct superior) Don't ask right out - explain your situation and how you will be struggling on your current salary and are currently exploring your options. Ask if she/he has any ideas etc. I've got something from a magazine about the perfect way to ask for a payrise. I'll try and dig it out and post it for you
Good luck anyway. Hope this helps a little
How long have you been working there? It will affect how good you look on your cv for looking for other stuff.
Did they train you? If so that will have cost them a bit. They'll not wantto lose you that easily. this could affect whether you decide to tackle them on it.
How does your salary compare with others in the company doing your job/ at a similar level? If its on a par then i doubt you'll have a chance of getting a further raise.
How much do you spend getting to work? Could you move somewhere closer to where you live and save money that way?
What are the company like when people say they are leaving? ar ethey positive and helpful ar is there backbiting and privilage withdrawls going on. it may be better to keep quiet
If it turns out that it may be worth trying to negotiate a payrise then take it up with your line manager (or whatever glorified title they give your direct superior) Don't ask right out - explain your situation and how you will be struggling on your current salary and are currently exploring your options. Ask if she/he has any ideas etc. I've got something from a magazine about the perfect way to ask for a payrise. I'll try and dig it out and post it for you
Good luck anyway. Hope this helps a little