When Tony Blair and Ian Duncen Smith's parites start spreading lies with the deliberate intention of inciting racial violence, and allow speeches to this end at their confences, then I'll ask for the same to be applied. If the BNP went about their objectives without indulging in their methods, I'd still despise them, but I wouldn't call for them to be penalized.
by MonSTeR
Tony Blair makes use of his degree to further the gains of his politcal party, it lends him credibility. I'm sure most political leaders in this country do. Iain Duncan Smith use his military career as a point to demonstrate his character. Should Tony Blair or Iain Duncan Smith have their degrees taken off them because they've acted on thier beliefs by pledging their allegances to the Labour and Conservative Parties and everything they stand for, and are involved in?
This has nothing to do with political belief, and everything to do with the BNP's methods. Say I'm wrong, sure, but at least argue against what I'm actually advocating!