I learned to drive as soon as I was old enough to. It was kind of necessary as I grew up in the middle of nowhere, 12 miles to the nearest town and no public transport. However, when I went to Manchester and later London I sold my car. Driving along almost deserted country roads is great fun, but I don't particularly fancy driving around big busy cities.
So now I get trains when I go places. As Dan says, when they run on time they're cool. When they don't they are very, very annoying. But, hey-ho, such is life... And at least you can get drunk when you're traveling on trains.
So now I get trains when I go places. As Dan says, when they run on time they're cool. When they don't they are very, very annoying. But, hey-ho, such is life... And at least you can get drunk when you're traveling on trains.