We have it here too but it's nasty icy snow and only a thin layer. I hate snow.
Well it arrived and I'm lovin it, only have to take the kids to school, so it's not really gonna effect me
Might have to go and make a snowman later
Might have to go and make a snowman later
It did snow here for at least 2 minutes when I got home last night. Only a very tiny amount, but it made me happy. And obviously there's no sign of any this morning. Shame...
Waking to attend to a call of nature at about 3am, I noticed that my little enclave of Essex was white.
Attempts to get to work were thwarted by an accident on the main feeder road to the motorway, so after covering 300 yards in the first 25 mins, I did an about face and went home again where at least I had access to the office network and could be of some use.
Things improved late morning and I was able to get to work, just in time for lunch!
Attempts to get to work were thwarted by an accident on the main feeder road to the motorway, so after covering 300 yards in the first 25 mins, I did an about face and went home again where at least I had access to the office network and could be of some use.
Things improved late morning and I was able to get to work, just in time for lunch!
we had a tiny bit of snow, theres not much left now. thankfully. horrible stuff, i'm with you on this one T
I've heard it called a few things but never a 'enclave of Essex' *snigger*
by gobstopper
Waking to attend to a call of nature at about 3am, I noticed that my little enclave of Essex was white.
You're mad driving up there in the next few days! Make sure your phones are fully charged and you take blankets with ya.
by Ethan
Oh dear, this doesn't bode well for the drive to Scotland hehe.
Not sure which way you're thinking of going mate but the M6 has been fine so far, it's raining a lot and there are sporadic amounts of snow but it isn't lying and it's not expected to.
by Ethan
Oh dear, this doesn't bode well for the drive to Scotland hehe.
We get all the road information from our haulage contractors so if I hear anything untoward I'll let you know. As T said though make sure your phones charged, you've got blankets, a shovel and some food just incase.
I'm freezing. I love snow when I can stay inside and say aww isn't that pretty. But when I have to walk in it, its not fun, I nearly slipped over about 8 times today. I chickened out of school though and thought it only fair as 20 other schools in the region had closed except for ours!
Yeah! About an inch (and a half, maybe) of snow!! I don't remember seeing this much in... well... *struggles with memory capacity equivalent to a lobotomised amnesiac goldfish * ...a while! Plus it ain't even that cold at the moment!
We've had quite a bit and Joel was sent home from school at lunchtime. It's blowing a gale at the moment and mind numbingly cold but myself and the kids are all safe indoors where it's warm so it can do what it likes Pity Ray has to drive home from work in it around 11pm tonight
Mine left school with their Nan at 3.15 and they're still not home. Usually takes about 15 mins. I'm a little concerned but she said they're fine.
by Keenangel
myself and the kids are all safe indoors where it's warm so it can do what it likes
We've had loads (well, loads for us), and I drove in it.. Twice!
Oooh, pretty
by Barbara
lightening and thunder and snow...