No cost a fortune in taxes for a city I live nowhere near, I personally detest the present Olympics it has none of the spirit that was originally intended.
Wembley may just be completed by then.
Wembley may just be completed by then.
"He who is tired of London is tired of life, for there is in London every pleasure life can afford" Dr Johnson.
by Maffrew
I can't say i'm terribly fussed either way, but i'm not a Londoner, nor am i fond of going there (don't get a good vibe from the city, weird, but true).
Exactly what I thought when I read about it being held in NY.
by Sandia
Plus, the city is congested and doesn't even have the facilities to host the games--unless they build some new facilities.
Thats also pretty much lots of capital citys London included.
by Sandia
I can't believe anyone is seriously thinking of holding a Summer Olympics in New York City. It's so hot and humid in New York in mid-summer that the air is actually palpable--like a wall of heat that hits you when you step outside. It's sweltering. It's miserable.
Ah, yeah, never thought of that. that was where the Commenwealth Games were held wasn't it?
by Phoenix - Aeon
Personally I would have thought Manchester would have been a better choice for England as the facilities are already in place.
But wait, the ancient Greeks ...
by Nutty Bat
The only thing that might make me think that a London Olympics is worth all the tax, congestion and upheaval is if they revert to the original (Ancient Greek) costumes for the atheletes.