Johnny Depp
Joaquin Phoenix
Josh Hartnett
Christian Slater
Tom Cruise
Joaquin Phoenix
Josh Hartnett
Christian Slater
Tom Cruise
Ricky is really sexy. He might not be the prettiest boy in the world, but pretty does not always equal sexy (and that's where I think most of these FHM polls go wrnng)
by Jayjay
And Ricky Gervaise...
Another Ricky lover here. I called Y aaaaaaaaaaaages ago asking if Iit was wrong if I fancied him. She said no and confessed to liking him too, lol.
by Jayjay
And Ricky Gervaise...
So... Funny fat northern lads are sexy and funny fat American lads are sexy (I know you think Jack Black is) but funny fat southern lads aren't? I think you're the one that needs to seek help
by Jayjay
Funny fat northern lads being sexy? That's just a matter of fact. Just a pity he's from wrong t'side o'pennines...
but I like bits of all of them, they merge in my head as one!
by Jayjay
Sam, adding multiple entried for number 5 doesn't mean you get a vote for all of them. You've still got one vote left.