Woah.... I'm against wife battering as much as the next girl, but that's a little extreme, I think.
Woah.... I'm against wife battering as much as the next girl, but that's a little extreme, I think.
Hey I've felt pain like that, and believe me I would never do it, but what would you rather have, ball ache or have the lot ripped off?
by willow_fantastico
you don't give a man a kick in the pills!!
until women can know the pain of just a slight contact with the ol' below they shouldn't kick a man in the nuts!
You know, I am really starting to warm to you
by Vong
I am seeing a trend here. First there is a post about scary horror films, then a squemish post about someones genitals being bitten off... screams 'wuss!'
If the guy slapped her, he got what he deserved.
(Edited by Vong 20/03/2002 23:51)
Thats the first thing you think of?
fair play to the woman, its jsut didn't she get blood all over her and her mouth?
Not just that, but all over her clothes too, and blood's devilishly difficult to get out of some things.
fair play to the woman, its jsut didn't she get blood all over her and her mouth?