It was funny... especially Liam discovering he was a vampire, Wesley reverting back to his previous clumsy, dorky self, Fred asking anyone if they had any "weed" and Queen C was back with a vengeance.. all of them in their teens.
I liked Lorne's witticisms throughout the episode, and i laughed when whilst Fred was poking and prodding him, he regained consciousness and looked at the camera and said "i know i'm unconscious but..."
Liam (Angel) calling cars "demons", and his look of absolute fear, calling Wes an "English pig" and Gunn "the slave". Wesley's weird contortions and the look on his face when knives and spears shot out of his arms.
I can imagine a lot of people were cheering at Angel beating seven bells out of Connor in the kitchens too . He really did knock the you know what out of the boy.
But the part that affected me most of all was the look on Angel's face when Cordelia confirmed that they had been in love, but that she needed to be alone, he looked utterly bereft, with tears in his eyes too.
This was a good ep.
Thought it was a little like Tabula Rasa.
Like Lorne so it was good to see him narrating the story.
Barbara No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
--Eleanor Roosevelt
yeah I loved this episode-I thought it was much better than Buffy which I'm sort of going off.
Ferretgirl Make something idiot-proof and they will make a better idiot
Yeah, this was a lot better than Buffy, but not as good as some of the episodes that Joss has written and directed.
I liked the way Lorne was like the narrater, twas good that. And Fred being a weed junkie was quite funny. It wasd good to remember what a selfish little *cough* Cordy used to be and just how much she has changed. And Liam finding out about being a vampire was also good.
I don't know what it was, but it just didn't seem to have that usual spark...
Whistler"I wonder wonder why the wonder falls. I wonder why the wonder falls on me. I wonder wonder why the wonder falls, with everything I touch and hear and see."
Yup it was a good ep and I particularly liked seeing the old Wesley again. very funny but very unoriginal.
It was too much like Tabula Rasa (which was funnier probably because it was the first time it had been done in the Buffy-verse) and felt too much like the writing team needed to work out how to get Cordy's memory back quick and were struggling to work a story round it so they plumped for a plot that had been tried in the sisiter show.
But, like I said, it was still good but nothing more than a filler ep that certainly wasn't as good as the Buffy ep.
I completely agree with Whistler
Except that I felt it was a real let down (and Joss let himself down too) as I was really really looking forward to this episode and was really disappointed