Good opening scene I thought. Clem was able to voice all Buffy's concerns about not being able to win this battle yet show her continued courage in staying to try.
Wonder who gave Clem driving lessons? Does Sunnydale have a demon driving school?
Then a nice bit of mind control by Willow. About time she put some magic to good use. I liked the "I'm with the Inspector" and "It's time to catch our flight to um, Interpol".
The hospital scene was painful with Buffy babbling away obviously feeling very guilty her plan had led to Xander's injury. Obvious clue in retrospect by Dawn's comment to him that he saw everything in an earlier ep. But still he has the comedy in him.
Then we have the hilarity of Anya and Andrew - a new double act? Quickly followed by some bonding between Faith and Kennedy - ready for the rebellion.
Buffy still has her usual problem of not being able to talk about anything she feels guilty over. Not being able to prevent injury to Xander, girls dying and being taken out by Caleb so easily was really rubbed in by Dawn. I thought this would have been done by Anya or Kennedy. Dawn would surely have had more sensitivity towards her sister?
I liked the next scenes between Buffy and Caleb. SMG loked really scared. The First must have reasons for not killing or seriously wounding Buffy but the chance to do so was given up whilst she was unconscious.
Terrific bit of humour from Andrew trying to get justice for Faith eating his food. and his dialogue with Spike.
Things got a bit daft then didn't they? The town is evacuating but still the Bronze carries on opening and even finds a live band! Even though this was referred to by Kennedy it still seems unlikely to me.
And how come Faith can't handle 3 cops? She takes away their guns easily enough, is seen pummelling one cop who is still conscious after a battering from a slayer!!!!
Then the potentials start to do better than Faith! Was she just toying with them and enjoying the thrill of getting battered by those truncheons?
"It is not for thee. It is for her alone to wield." Big clue there surely about future events. But who is the "she"?
I thought at first it must refer to Buffy but it could be anyone I suppose. Still if its not for Caleb that has to good.
Aww, what an ending I reckon Buffy couldn't bring herself to get close to her troops 'cos she knew her judgement might get affected. But it backfired and turned into a revolt 'cos the potentials had no time to get to know her well either. But no support from Willow and Xander
They must be seriously pissed about that eye loss. This reminds me about those eps when Buffy has been regarded as wrong and turned out to be right but I could be wrong!!
Still she found some saving grace and strength in unselfishly focussing Faith on the task ahead and putting the safety of the potentials above any annoyance with Faith. She could have continued arguing and got all physical but restrained herself.
I'm not really sure on this one, for starters, if I was Buffy I would have told them to get the hell out of her house!
The Spike/Andrew interaction was quite funny though
But I did notice that the Xander 'incident' was cut from the original ep, whereas it was pretty much uncut on the 'On last weeks Buffy' recap.
Whistler"I wonder wonder why the wonder falls. I wonder why the wonder falls on me. I wonder wonder why the wonder falls, with everything I touch and hear and see."
Good ep! I don't really have the energy to post and in-depth review but the final scene where the 'mutiny' occurs was very heartbreaking. And how I was wishing Dawn would punch that black Potential's face in when she started going 'Ding, dong, the witch is dead'
I thought the same, however, about having the Bronze open when the rest of Sunnydale was fleeing the town.
That said, you can really feel the finality of whet is happening here. Sunnydale, and the wider world, has faced apocalypses before but this one really does feel like the end.
And I can't really say anymore as I've now seen the final three eps
Desire Girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money.
There's only 3 more to go????? Ohhhhhhh
I loved this ep - I have to say though that she's getting what she deserved. I loved the final scenes until she started saying stuff like "thats why you have to fall in line" and "you need someone to guide you and tell you what to do" It seemd a little over the top, even for Buffy's style - kinda like it was to justify what was about to happen. I appreciate the point, but I think her speech could have been toned down a bit and had a more 'realistic' (and I use the term loosely) effect.
I really wasn't expecting this so I'm all the more geared up for the finale.
I thought it was a good ep too.
It was cool that Faith was actually getting to know the SITs, 'cause I didn't expect her to, I thought she'd kinda ignore them, as she did Fred in Angel. But yeah so Kennedy/Amanda/Faith thing in the kitchen was good.
When they went to the Bronze, Amanda's speech was well funny 'this is so cool. You are so cool. This woman is so cool!' that made me laugh. I like it when Amanda kinda comes out of her shell, 'cause she's usually quite shy and quiet.
I thought they'd have mentioned Molly a bit more, as Xander's eye may have been poked out, but Molly's actually dead. I thought Kennedy and Rona would have been more angry. But no, she only has one small mention by Faith.
The attack on Buffy was justified, but she is probably right about their power being at the vineyard, however Caleb was saying that she'd bring them there again, and then he's be able to get rid of them.
I was kinda shocked at Xander and Willow not siding with Buffy, and Xander's 'I'm tryna see your point, but it must be a little to my left' bit was good.
And I do agree that Andrew's food thing, and Spike and Andrew's food convo, was very funny
In the ad I saw Dawn kiss Buffy (on the cheek, dirty ppl, that's sick! they're sisters!) and then chuck her out of the house, but I guess they cut the kiss, as that would have made it a bit too mean.