Hmm tricky, I think 6 movies is a terribly big commitment for a channelthats just cancelled the show, but I was rather expecting one or two.
IF they did 6, what I would like to see is one that ties up the cliffhanger from s5, one historical one that concentrates on Angel, Spike, Darla and all, a stand alone one that reunites Buffy with Angel, and then a loose trilogy in the regular Angel setting that deals with the whole Shanshu issue once and for all.
IF they did 6, what I would like to see is one that ties up the cliffhanger from s5, one historical one that concentrates on Angel, Spike, Darla and all, a stand alone one that reunites Buffy with Angel, and then a loose trilogy in the regular Angel setting that deals with the whole Shanshu issue once and for all.