Okay presuming that Buffy ends after season 7..how would you like the season (and programme i guess) finale to go? Happy or sad ending?
I was thinking...they've killed Buffy to many times now for that to be at all shocking..unless the rest of scoobies went to, in which case no-one would be left to bring her back. However if they do kill em all off then there can never be the possiblity of a movie, or crossovers with The ripper/watcher or Angel.
I think in season 7 there need to discover more about what the slayer really is..lots of thread trails have been left open ended...the tara voice over in Restless and what she hints about, Dracula's warning etc.
I definetly think that they don't need to kill anyone for another finale..i'd like a happy ending!! 'Bout a year ago i would have said a happy B/A ending..but i'm kinda rooting for spike now...plus i just don't think the b/a thing will happen.
can you actually imagine buffy ending? Never watching a new ep, or reading spoilers for a new ep?