Have you seen the list of episode titles and descriptions?
I've kind of become pretty obsessed about Torchwood! For those without BBC3 it's being shown on BBC2 pretty much at the same time as BBC3
Start dates:
It's Sunday 9pm on the 22nd October on BBC3 and repeated at 9pm on Wednesday the 25th October on BBC2
Start dates:
It's Sunday 9pm on the 22nd October on BBC3 and repeated at 9pm on Wednesday the 25th October on BBC2

30 Replies and 16598 Views in Total. [ 1 2 ]
From what I can gather it's only showing the first double episode on BBC2. The rest of the series can only been seen on BBC3 for now (with the intent to show it on BBC2 at a later date).
Please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong but that's what i've seen/read. Anyone?
(Edited by Bryany 15/10/2006 21:31)
Please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong but that's what i've seen/read. Anyone?
(Edited by Bryany 15/10/2006 21:31)
Little old spoilerphobe me is trying to avoid things like that like plague but I've seen plenty of threads on boards with all the details.
by Wobag
Have you seen the list of episode titles and descriptions?

Hmm well that was... OK. Lots of interesting individual elements, but it all seemed kind of random and didnt really pull together into a cohesive story really.
Other stuff I need to ponder on, like whether the characters felt like real life people and not just good performances (which is something we seem to be very bad at in this country).
Doctor Who watchers will note many references to the show, the hand in a jar, the bizarre explanation for the invisible lift, and of course the reveal about Jack at the end which was the obvious high point of the episode, and certainly puts another spin on the character.
Other genre mainstays did not go untouched, Bablyon 5 fans will know what I mean, and one crucial scene was lifted very heavly from Men In Black (which the core concept of the series most closely resembles)
Owen seems to be the most interesting and believable new character in the ensemble, and the others didnt really have enough to do to judge them yet. Is it a racist comment to say that its slightly disconcerting that everyone is so... welsh?
If they can come up with some really strong stories, I can see it taking off (which reminds me, whats with the Pterodactyl??), failing that I can see Torchwood being an interesting, but brief footnote in the history of Doctor Who.
(Edited by Wobag 22/10/2006 22:13)
Other stuff I need to ponder on, like whether the characters felt like real life people and not just good performances (which is something we seem to be very bad at in this country).
Doctor Who watchers will note many references to the show, the hand in a jar, the bizarre explanation for the invisible lift, and of course the reveal about Jack at the end which was the obvious high point of the episode, and certainly puts another spin on the character.
Other genre mainstays did not go untouched, Bablyon 5 fans will know what I mean, and one crucial scene was lifted very heavly from Men In Black (which the core concept of the series most closely resembles)
Owen seems to be the most interesting and believable new character in the ensemble, and the others didnt really have enough to do to judge them yet. Is it a racist comment to say that its slightly disconcerting that everyone is so... welsh?
If they can come up with some really strong stories, I can see it taking off (which reminds me, whats with the Pterodactyl??), failing that I can see Torchwood being an interesting, but brief footnote in the history of Doctor Who.
(Edited by Wobag 22/10/2006 22:13)
Still smells bad
by KaTiEStar
It was sh*te! But good sh*te

I watched both eps last night and I can say I wasn't majorly impressed was actually pretty disappointed to be completely honest. Hopefully the show will develop a bit more as otherwise I won't be watching it any time soon.
(Edited by Chambler 23/10/2006 13:05)

I really liked the first episode and thought it showed a lot of promise. But the second episode was just a bit pants really. It seemed to be an episode that was put in just to prove that this is an "adult" show and not family-friendly like Doctor Who.
I think my main problem with the way the show is going is that I don't like PC Cooper, and she seems to be the main character. I don't know if it's the way the character's written or if it's just a bad performance, but she's just a bit crap really. I want the show to be about Captain Jack and the rest of the Torchwood team as they're far more enjoyable to watch.
Here's hoping for an improvement in the next few episodes, cos I still think it has potential...
Oh and as for this:
I think my main problem with the way the show is going is that I don't like PC Cooper, and she seems to be the main character. I don't know if it's the way the character's written or if it's just a bad performance, but she's just a bit crap really. I want the show to be about Captain Jack and the rest of the Torchwood team as they're far more enjoyable to watch.
Here's hoping for an improvement in the next few episodes, cos I still think it has potential...
Oh and as for this:
Well, probably, but I agree with you! And I lived in Wales for about 15 years! Lol! I'm sure Cardiff isn't that Welsh really!!
by Wobag
Is it a racist comment to say that its slightly disconcerting that everyone is so... welsh?
Hahaha, i just read the welsh stuff and i said to my sister while it was on "I know its set in Wales but does *everyone* have to be welsh" lol.
We are so mean.
We are so mean.
Finally caught this last night and that's exactly what I thought.
by PictureOfFlowers
I really liked the first episode and thought it showed a lot of promise. But the second episode was just a bit pants really. It seemed to be an episode that was put in just to prove that this is an "adult" show and not family-friendly like Doctor Who.
On the whole I'll keep watching for the moment but I'm a bit dissapointed.
Agree about the second episode being abit pants...
Like how they've linked what happened to Jack with the Tardis reviving him in with the show .
Next weeks looks quite good from the trailer so I'll reserve judgement.
Like how they've linked what happened to Jack with the Tardis reviving him in with the show .
Next weeks looks quite good from the trailer so I'll reserve judgement.
Watched the third episode of Torchwood last night. Once again I find myself dissapointed.
Aren't these people suppose to be proffesionals? How many times will things go wrong because the team have been careless and unprofessional? If they really did this all the time they wouldn't be able to run effectively. It's just chaos.
The 'supposed' chemistry between Jack and Gwen just really isn't there and that type of contact between them just seems really forced. Once again, it seems like they are trying to prove this programme is for adults rather than just getting on with it.
I'm not sure i'll be watching anymore ....
Aren't these people suppose to be proffesionals? How many times will things go wrong because the team have been careless and unprofessional? If they really did this all the time they wouldn't be able to run effectively. It's just chaos.
The 'supposed' chemistry between Jack and Gwen just really isn't there and that type of contact between them just seems really forced. Once again, it seems like they are trying to prove this programme is for adults rather than just getting on with it.
I'm not sure i'll be watching anymore ....

She killed Roj Blake, didn't she? Haven't seen Gareth Whossisname since 'Knights Of God' back in the Eighties...
Bit disappointed too. Funnily enough, I've been watching 'Firefy' on Sci-Fi, and found that that didn't live up to my expectations, or to quality of the film, even. I was saying to the wife that I prefer 'Torchwood', but I may have been hasty. 'Stargate/Atlantis' and 'The 4400' are still more watchable series'.
Bit disappointed too. Funnily enough, I've been watching 'Firefy' on Sci-Fi, and found that that didn't live up to my expectations, or to quality of the film, even. I was saying to the wife that I prefer 'Torchwood', but I may have been hasty. 'Stargate/Atlantis' and 'The 4400' are still more watchable series'.
Awwww that's a shame. I finally got around to watching Firefly (I'm assuming you did a typo and there's not a different series with a very similar name! lol) this year and absolutely loved it!
by The_Host
Funnily enough, I've been watching 'Firefy' on Sci-Fi, and found that that didn't live up to my expectations
Well, some of it is dumb little things like western style firearms that go pwing! instead of BAAAM!!!, and the essential space/western analogy just doesn't hold up that well. Maybe the film worked better for me because the Reavers didn't ride around waving tomahawks, or get conned out of their land by settlers.
'Torchwood' is on today on BBC2, by the way, so I guess it's the whole series...
'Torchwood' is on today on BBC2, by the way, so I guess it's the whole series...
Yeah it is. I noticed this after i'd made my post but forgot to correct my post
by The_Host
'Torchwood' is on today on BBC2, by the way, so I guess it's the whole series...

Do you think everyone else has stopped watching it already? No-one seems to be giving their views anymore .... *calls out 'where is everyone?'*
After the first 2 eps it really isn't high on my to watch list so to speak. Will catch up on them eventually but shows like the Unit, House, Prison Break, Greys anatomy just get priority..... and lets just say that while following this thread it hasn't really gotten me to change my priorities.

I enjoyed this week's episode. It still wasn't great, there were some pretty crap bits in it and I still don't like Gwen Cooper, but I thought it was quite good on the whole.
I will keep watching it, but I won't be buying the DVDs...
I will keep watching it, but I won't be buying the DVDs...
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